Dad Nods: The Oddly Charming Way Other Dads Holla Atcha

Dad Nods: The Oddly Charming Way Other Dads Holla Atcha

I was just outside the Canadian border in a Cracker Barrel men’s room soothing my shrieking three-month-old daughter as she covered her diapers, clothes, and changing pad with pee when I received my first Dad Nod.

“Been there,” said the middle-aged stranger with a snort and a laugh before unzipping his pants and urinating three feet beside me. My initiation was complete. Read More

Don’t Live Like You are Dying, Live Like You Won a Small Amount of Money on a Scratch Lotto Ticket

Don’t Live Like You are Dying, Live Like You Won a Small Amount of Money on a Scratch Lotto Ticket

A terrible piece of advice I often hear repeated is to “live each day as if it were your last.” What a stupid thing to say.

As someone who would likely spend his last day having a panic attack and crying uncontrollably, my preferred standard is to live each day like you’ve just won a small amount of money on a scratch lotto ticket. Read More