I’m Scared to Put a Hole in My Wall

I’m Scared to Put a Hole in My Wall

I’ve had this beautiful wooden flag for several months, but have been too afraid to hang it because I’ll have to put a hole in the wall. Sure, just a small hole or two for either a nail or a screw and anchor, but the sign itself has a bit more weight than your average picture.

Pictures, I can hang, but a heavy sign? The potential for actual damage is high. The thought gives me anxiety. Read More

Getting Serious About Soup

Getting Serious About Soup

My biggest goal this winter is to finally get serious about soup. I made a good start at it last year, but this year I’m really trying to dive in and fill my ladle.

I’ve long since banished Mr. Campbell from the cupboard, but I’ve been stuck on Progresso for at least a decade now. Sure, the low sodium route has revolutionized my approach, but it’s time to bring my soup game out of the bargain bin and into the modern age. Read More